Project Development & Environment (PD&E) Study:
SR 429 Capacity Improvements from Seidel Road to Tilden Road
SR 429 Capacity Improvements from Seidel Road to Tilden Road
The Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) is performing a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study for the State Road (SR) 429 (Daniel Webster Western Beltway) Capacity Improvements. The study corridor extends along SR 429 from Seidel Road to Tilden Road in Orange County.
The PD&E Study will analyze and evaluate the proposed widening of SR 429 from Seidel Road to Tilden Road. Proposed improvements include the inside widening of SR 429 from four lanes to six lanes and the addition of wider median shoulders, known as Flex Lanes, that can temporarily accommodate additional traffic during emergency response events. A preliminary noise study will also be conducted as part of this PD&E Study. These improvements are like the ongoing capacity improvements on SR 429 from Tilden Road to SR 414 (Apopka Expressway).
Study goals include the following:
- Enhancing mobility for the region’s growing population and economy by providing additional transportation infrastructure.
- Providing consistency with local plans and policies.
- Promoting regional connectivity.
- Enhancing evacuation and emergency services response.
- Adding future capacity by incorporating Flex Lanes.
Study Participation
We value your input. Public involvement and interagency coordination are integral to the PD&E Study process, and opportunities for public participation will be provided. CFX anticipates holding an Alternatives Public Workshop in February 2025 as part of this study.
Para más información en español comuníquese con Maria Parada al 407.487.2474 o por correo electrónico a
Additional Information
This is a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) study which is an initial phase of determining right-of-way acquisition. Property owners near a proposed transportation project often want to know an agency’s process for buying needed private property. Click here for the Central Florida Expressway Authority’s policy on right-of-way acquisition.
Study Documents
Fact Sheet - English
Additional SR 429 Capacity Improvements from Seidel Road to Tilden Road PD&E Study Information
Phone: 407-487-2474
Central Florida Expressway Authority
4974 ORL Tower Road
Orlando, FL 32807
Phone: (407) 690-5000
Fax: (407) 690-5011
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