Payment Options

From the bustling center of downtown Orlando, to the vibrant theme parks, to the suburban communities and all the localities in between, the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) offers you convenient payment options to make traveling toll roads easy.
There are several ways to pay tolls in Central Florida: E-PASS, Pay By Plate Toll Invoice and cash. For the E-PASS and Pay By Plate options, motorists can use any lane whereas cash customers must follow the advance signage to direct them to the toll attendant.
Select an icon for more details
E-PASS Customer Service
E-PASS Service Center
525 South Magnolia Ave
Orlando, FL 32801
Monday through Friday 8 AM – 6 PM
Saturday 9 AM – 1 PM
Please click here for detailed directions to the E-PASS Service Center
E-PASS Customer Call Center
Phone: (407) 823-7277
or 1-800-353-7277
Monday through Friday 7:30 AM – 7:00 PM
Saturday 8 AM – 4:30 PM
E-PASS Mailing Address
P.O Box 720218
Orlando, FL 32872
Drive-Thru Locations to Reload E-PASS
SR 408 at the Conway toll plaza
SR 408 at the Dean toll plaza
SR 408 at the Hiawassee toll plaza
SR 408 at the Pine Hills toll plaza
SR 417 at the John Young Parkway toll plaza
SR 417 at the Boggy Creek toll plaza
SR 417 at the University toll plaza
SR 417 at the Curry Ford toll plaza
SR 429 at the Forest Lake toll plaza
SR 429 at the Independence toll plaza
SR 528 at the Dallas toll plaza
SR 528 at the Beachline toll plaza
SR 414 at the Coral Hills toll plaza
Get a FREE E-PASS or add funds to your E-PASS account
Related Links
Toll Calculator
Pay By Plate Invoice
E-PASS Account Login
Frequently Asked Questions
E-PASS is the preferred method of toll payment for motorists who travel Central Florida’s toll roads. Why? Because E-PASS rates are 30% lower than cash. Plus, E-PASS customers are automatically eligible to receive even greater savings through the 2024 Toll Relief Program.
Traveling outside of Central Florida to Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville or Atlanta? Don’t worry E-PASS has you covered. E-PASS is gladly accepted on ALL toll roads in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina — everywhere you see the E-PASS, SunPass, LeeWay, Peach Pass, and NC Quick Pass signs. Get More Information about E-PASS.
E-PASS offers multiple transponder choices — FREE E-PASS Sticker, College-branded Toll Stickers, and the new Uni (formerly E-PASS Xtra). Don’t know which one is right for you? Learn more about Transponder Choices.
Pay By Plate
Pay By Plate toll invoicing is an option to “pay as you go” and choose to forgo the benefits of E-PASS toll rates.
With Pay By Plate, an image of your license plate is captured when you pass through the toll plaza. Then, electronically, the Pay By Plate toll rate for that particular plaza is assessed to the vehicle’s owner. A monthly toll invoice is generated and mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle. Payment is due within 30 days to avoid toll violations and fines. Pay By Plate toll rates are double the electronic rate. To save on tolls, getting an E-PASS is recommended. The best part: E-PASS Sticker is FREE and you can choose to reload with cash.
Four Ways to Pay Your Pay By Plate Invoice:
- Online using a credit card
- E-PASS Smartphone app: Download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store
- By phone using a credit/debit card: 1-800-353-7277 or 407-823-7277
- In person using cash or credit/debit card at the E-PASS Customer Service Center
Please provide the reference number and license plate number on your invoice when making payment.
Pay with Cash
Central Florida is one of the top tourist’s destinations in the world. Because of the number of visitors traveling on our roads each day, the Central Florida Expressway Authority accepts cash at many of its toll plazas. You will see manned and unmanned toll plazas. For those where there is not a toll booth attendant, than exact change is required.
There are several toll roads in Central Florida – and throughout the state of Florida – that feature all-electronic tolling. This means cash is not accepted and the registered owner of the vehicle will receive a Pay By Plate toll invoice in the mail if an electronic device such as E-PASS is not used to pay the tolls. The good news is that E-PASS is accepted on these roads and E-PASS rates are less than Pay By Plate toll rates. That’s why you should consider getting a free E-PASS whether you’re just visiting for a few days or here to stay. Order your E-PASS online and get it in a matter of days. Or, pick up an E-PASS at a drive-thru Reload Lane.
Ramp Plaza Guidelines:
Ramp plazas are unattended so cash customers must use exact change to pay their tolls. Bills are not accepted.
Manned Toll Plazas with Toll Attendant Guidelines:
- Cash customers merge right to pay at the plaza tollbooths.
- Toll collectors cannot accept bills larger than $20.
- Toll receipts are issued upon request.
Replenish your E-PASS with cash
Cash is accepted to replenish E-PASS accounts in the Reload Lanes throughout Central Florida.
Drive-Up Reload Service
Reload is a drive-thru service where motorists can get a FREE E-PASS Sticker or add funds (Reload) to their E-PASS account using cash or credit/debit card. The Reload Lanes are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you just got your new E-PASS at the Reload Lane, please visit and log in with the account number and payment ID on the receipt the attendant gave you. Enter the requested information – like your email, vehicle information – to complete enrollment to avoid potential fees and get additional E-PASS customer benefits. If you have questions, please call an E-PASS customer service representative at 407-823-7277 or 1-800-353-7277 Monday through Friday 7:30 AM – 7:00 PM or Saturday 8 AM – 4:30 PM.
The Reload Lanes are located at the toll plazas below:
- State Road 408 at the Conway toll plaza
- State Road 408 at the Dean toll plaza
- State Road 408 at the Hiawassee toll plaza
- State Road 408 at the Pine Hills toll plaza
- State Road 417 at the John Young Parkway toll plaza
- State Road 417 at the Boggy Creek toll plaza
- State Road 417 at the University toll plaza
- State Road 417 at the Curry Ford toll plaza
- State Road 429 at the Forest Lake toll plaza
- State Road 429 at the Independence toll plaza
- State Road 528 at the Dallas toll plaza
- State Road 528 at the Beachline toll plaza
- State Road 414 at the Coral Hills toll plaza