Project Development
& Environment Studies
A Project Development & Environment Study (PD&E) is the formal process that CFX and other transportation entities use to ensure that consideration is given to engineering design, project costs, environmental and social impacts, and public input in the development of major transportation projects.
The PD&E Study phase for planning transportation projects provides the interface between the planning and design phases to evaluate and document solutions to transportation needs that are compatible with the environment. Simply stated, the PD&E Study determines if there is an engineering and environmentally feasible alternative to meet the need determined in the planning phase.
The basic steps of a PD&E Study include data collection, development and analysis of alternatives, development of project documents and final approval.
Public involvement is a very important part of the PD&E Study process. PD&E Studies engage elected and appointed officials; federal, state and local agencies; environmental agencies and advocates; and community members in developing and evaluating alternatives to meet community needs, while seeking to minimize public and environmental impacts.
Stakeholders have opportunities to weigh in through various community meetings, board presentations, public workshops, public hearings, as well as via study hotlines, email addresses and webpages.
This process is mandated by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and State Law. It represents a combined effort by technical professionals who analyze the information and document the best alternative for a community’s transportation.
Project Development Process – New Alignment Expansion Projects
Central Florida Expressway Authority Project Development Process: New Alignment Expansion Process – Select to view larger (PDF)
For more information on specific PD&E Studies, please refer to the navigation buttons to the right.
Current Studies:
SR 429 Capacity Improvements from Tilden Road to Seidel Road
SR 417 Capacity Improvements from SR 528 to SR 408
SR 417 Sanford Airport Connector
Southport Connector
SR 515 Northeast Connector Expressway Phase 2
Completed Studies:
SR 408 Capacity Improvements
Kirkman Road to Church Street
SR 408 Westbound Capacity
Improvements I-4 to Goldenrod Road
SR 528/Dallas
Boulevard Interchange
Northeast Connector
Expressway Phase 1
SR 429/Binion Road
Additional PD&E Studies Information
Phone: 407-802-3210
Central Florida Expressway Authority
4974 ORL Tower Road
Orlando, FL 32807
Phone: (407) 690-5000
Fax: (407) 690-5011