Toll Collection System Upgrade

Toll Collection System Upgrade

In May 2017, the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) will begin field testing a new, state-of-the-art toll collection system at the State Road 414 (John Land Apopka Expressway) Coral Hills Main Plaza. The new system is designed to replace much of CFX’s existing toll collection system, some of which has been in service for over 21 years – greatly exceeding its anticipated lifespan.

During the 20-day testing period, the eastbound State Road 414 Coral Hills Plaza Open Road Tolling (ORT) lanes that allow customers to pay tolls while traveling at the posted highway speed will be closed. The ORT lanes are scheduled to reopen by Monday, June 5, 2017.

The $85 million Toll System Improvements project will make significant improvements to CFX’s existing toll collection system infrastructure. The system-wide project will replace or upgrade our current system with the latest, state-of-the-art technology and equipment, which will allow for seamless processing of toll transactions, data and images to ensure optimal toll operation performance for our customers.

The updated system will provide CFX and our customers with a host of benefits including:

  • New optical image processing system that captures both front and rear license plates and reduces the number of manual image reviewers to keep up with the same volume of images.
  • Ability to support future toll interoperability efforts.
  • License plate recognition technology that can toll violator send alerts to law enforcement in the vicinity, as well as notifications for vehicles associated with Silver and Amber alerts.
  • Independent video audit system that evaluates toll collection system performance to monitor system accuracy.

Once system tests at the State Road 414 Coral Hills Plaza are complete, CFX will begin work to 18 plaza locations and 71 ramp plazas upgrade our toll system-wide at a total of 89 locations (18 Main Plazas and 71 Ramp Plazas). This work is scheduled to take approximately 10 months and all work is scheduled to complete by spring 2018.


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