One Toll Pass. 19 States.
See why more customers choose the Uni toll pass to travel across town and out of town. Uni, now available in black or white, is a portable transponder that works seamlessly on all toll roads in 19 states, including everywhere E-ZPass is accepted. Uni transponders can be used on all Florida express lanes, including those marked “SunPass Only” and I-4 Express lanes, plus express lanes in the other 18 states where Uni works. For quick and easy transfer from vehicle to vehicle, Uni attaches to the inside of your vehicle’s windshield with suction cups.

Uni Benefits
Transfer Uni from vehicle to vehicle – it’s portable!
Use Uni with motorcycles and rental cars
Pay for parking at Orlando International Airport and Port Canaveral cruise terminals
Get volume toll discounts on Florida toll roads
Save up to 30% over the cash toll rate in FL
Order Uni
Choose your Uni: The new Uni in black, designed to blend into your windshield, or the original in white.
Order Uni through your E-PASS account or on Amazon.
New! College-branded Uni in black (Available exclusively on Amazon)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Uni?
Uni is a portable toll pass that allows drivers to automatically pay tolls on all toll roads in 19 states, including Florida express lanes. Uni attaches to the inside of a car windshield with suction cups, making it easy to transfer from vehicle to vehicle, including motorcycles and rental cars.
How much does Uni cost?
Uni costs $14.95 plus tax.
Where can I use Uni?
Uni works on all toll roads and most bridges in the following states:
- Florida (including express lanes)
- Maryland
- Rhode Island
- Indiana
- Georgia
- Delaware
- Illinois
- Minnesota
- North Carolina
- New Jersey
- Massachusetts
- New Hampshire
- Kentucky
- Virginia
- Pennsylvania
- Maine
- West Virginia
- New York
- Ohio
Uni works everywhere you see signs for:

Plus, you can use your Uni to pay for parking at Orlando International Airport and the Port Canaveral cruise terminals.
I am an E-PASS customer. How do I add Uni to my account?
Log in to your E-PASS account, click Get E-PASS and follow the steps to add Uni to your account.
You can also add Uni to your account in any of the following ways:
- Via the E-PASS Toll App, available for download on the App Store or Google Play Store
- Call the E-PASS Customer Service Center at (407) 823-7277 or 1-800-353-7277, Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM – 7:00 PM and Saturday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM.
- In person at the E-PASS Service Center: 525 South Magnolia Ave Orlando, FL 32801
Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM & Saturday 9 AM to 1 PM - At the Reload Lanes. Visit the drive-up customer service lanes located at the State Road 408 Conway toll plaza, State Road 417 John Young Parkway toll plaza and State Road 429 Forest Lake Main toll plaza. Reload Lanes are open seven days a week from 6 AM to 8 PM.
I am not an E-PASS customer. How do I get a Uni?
Click your choice of Uni above, click “New Customer,” and follow the steps to create your E-PASS account and purchase Uni. Make sure you have the following information on hand:
- Email address
- Driver’s license number
- License plate number(s) and state where issued
- Model/make/year/color of vehicle(s)
- Credit/debit card to activate your account with a minimum of $10 in prepaid tolls and pay for Uni
Or, you can also get a Uni in any of the following ways:
- Via the E-PASS Toll App, available for download on the App Store or Google Play Store
- Call the E-PASS Customer Service Center at (407) 823-7277 or 1-800-353-7277, Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM – 7:00 PM and Saturday, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM.
- In person at the E-PASS Service Center: 525 South Magnolia Ave Orlando, FL 32801
Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM & Saturday 9 AM to 1 PM - At the Reload Lanes. Visit the drive-up customer service lanes seven days a week from 6 AM to 8 PM. The Reload Lanes are located at the toll plazas below:
- State Road 408 at the Conway toll plaza
- State Road 408 at the Dean toll plaza
- State Road 408 at the Hiawassee toll plaza
- State Road 408 at the Pine Hills toll plaza
- State Road 417 at the John Young Parkway toll plaza
- State Road 417 at the Boggy Creek toll plaza
- State Road 417 at the University toll plaza
- State Road 417 at the Curry Ford toll plaza
- State Road 429 at the Forest Lake toll plaza
- State Road 429 at the Independence toll plaza
- State Road 528 at the Dallas toll plaza
- State Road 528 at the Beachline toll plaza
- State Road 414 at the Coral Hills toll plaza
How do I order Uni through Amazon?
Order through the product pages below. Be sure to follow the steps to activate your Uni after it arrives.
- Amazon: Uni in black
- Amazon: Uni in white
I have a SunPass account. Can I add Uni to my SunPass account?
No. Uni is a product of E-PASS, owned and operated by the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX). An E-PASS account is required to use Uni.
SunPass is owned and operated by Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise. Learn more about the differences between E-PASS and SunPass on this page.
I have a Leeway account. Can I add Uni to my LeeWay account?
No. Uni is a product of E-PASS and requires an E-PASS account. LeeWay and E-PASS are operated by two different tolling agencies.
Can I keep more than one transponder in my car?
No. You need to remove all other toll transponders from your vehicle before you install Uni. Keeping more than one transponder in your vehicle could result in a charge by each tolling agency for the same toll.
How can I use Uni on my motorcycle?
Uni will work in a saddlebag or storage compartment.
How can I use Uni with a rental car?
You can move Uni to a rental car if you inform the rental car agency that you’re using Uni in the rental vehicle. The rental vehicle and the vehicle from which you’re transferring the E-PASS must be the same class (for example, two axles). You also must update your E-PASS account information with the rental vehicle’s license plate number.
Where can I use Uni to pay for parking?
Orlando International Airport and the Port Canaveral Cruise Terminal.
How is Uni different from E-PASS Portable or E-PASS Xtra?
Uni is designed with tri-protocol technology, allowing Uni to evolve with the national tolling interoperability network . Currently, Uni works in 19 states. Uni customers will be able to drive in additional states as the interoperability network expands, without having to change transponders, stop to pay tolls with cash, maintain multiple toll collection accounts or rely on license plate invoicing.
While the E-PASS Portable will continue to work in Florida, Georgia and North Carolina, E-PASS Portable is no longer available for purchase. Uni is the portable transponder option in the E-PASS family of products.
E-PASS Xtra will continue to work in 19 states but may not work in all states that join the interoperability network in the future, due to its limited dual-protocol technology. E-PASS Xtra is no longer available for purchase. Uni succeeded E-PASS Xtra as the multistate transponder option in the E-PASS family of products.