In February 2021, CFX began the capacity improvements of SR 538/Poinciana Parkway to create a divided four-lane expressway from Ronald Reagan Parkway to CR 580/Cypress Parkway. The newly improved parkway makes it easier and faster for residents to access regional transportation networks, theme parks, and the Orlando metro area. The 7-mile project began in February 2021 and was completed in December 2023.
The project included re-aligning the intersection with CR 580/Cypress Parkway, building new bridges at KOA Street, adding new bridges and two additional ramps at the existing Marigold Avenue interchange, and much more. See the latest release for more details.
Feel free to use any of the below material to cover this story as you see fit.
- Click here to view and download the latest media release
- Click here to view and download the Project Map
- Click here to view and download the Quick Facts
Materiales en Español
- Hoja informativa – Mejoras de Capacidad: Autopista SR 538
- Comunicado de Prensa – Mejoras de Capacidad: Autopista SR 538
Please see below for picture updates of the Project
(Click on the pictures to view larger or download)

- SR 538 KOA Street Bridge: The new 96-foot KOA Street bridge and half interchange includes all-new underdeck lighting, and wrong-way detection devices have been added at the off-ramp.

- SR 538 Marigold Avenue Bridge: The new 145-foot Marigold Avenue Bridge and full interchange. On and off-ramps were added to create a diamond interchange, and wrong-way detection devices were added at the off-ramps.

- SR 538 Toll Gantry: The Marigold Avenue Toll Gantry.

- SR 538 South End: The realigned intersection at Cypress Parkway allows for better traffic flow at the busy crossroads. A series of wrong-way detection devices were added to the southbound lanes.

- SR 538 Bridge Middle: The divided expressway separates traffic, thereby enhancing driver safety.
- Click here for the video and slide presentation for the July 29, 2020 virtual public meeting