National Recognition for Wrong-Way Driving Detection and Prevention Pilot Program

National Recognition for Wrong-Way Driving Detection and Prevention Pilot Program

The Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) has been awarded the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) National Toll Excellence Award for its Wrong-Way Driving Detection and Prevention Pilot Program.

CFX began the Wrong-Way Driving (WWD) Prevention and Detection Pilot Program in 2012 in partnership with the University of Central Florida. The program’s main objective is to evaluate the use of “Wrong Way” signs equipped with flashing beacons to prevent wrong-way drivers from entering CFX’s expressway system. The devices also send out alerts to the Regional Traffic Management Center where operators can post wrong-way driving alerts on overhead Dynamic Message Signs when these events are detected.

In January 2016, CFX installed its first wrong-way driving detection system at the State Road 528/State Road 520 Interchange. Since then, an additional 23 ramps have been equipped with the WWD detection system with a total of 34 planned by the end of 2016. To date, the WWD system has detected 24 wrong-way driving events. In each case, the driver turned around when the flashing Wrong Way beacons activated.

“We’re proud of our team for receiving national recognition for their work to prevent wrong way driving accidents,” said Lake County Commissioner and CFX Chairman Welton Cadwell. “This patent-pending technology is making a difference to improve safety for the folks that drive on our roads and we look forward to others adopting the solution for their communities.”

IBTTA’s Toll Excellence Awards recognize the very best projects and programs the international tolling industry has to offer. Each year, IBTTA celebrates members whose creative, innovative and positive programs set a new standard of excellence. By providing wide recognition for a job well done, the Toll Excellence Awards speed up the transmission of new ideas and emerging practices throughout the industry and to the driving public.

Central Florida Expressway Authority’s Wrong Way Driving Detection and Prevention Pilot Program Fact Sheet (PDF).


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Brian Hutchings
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