Concept, Feasibility &
Mobility Studies:

Northeast Connector Expressway Extension

At its June 2019 meeting, the Central Florida Expressway Authority Board voted to accept the findings of the Northeast Connector Expressway Extension Concept, Feasibility and Mobility Study. CFX conducted the study for a new limited access roadway corridor in east central Florida as part of the purchase and sale agreement with Farmland Reserve and Suburban Land Reserve for the acquisition of additional right-of-way property along State Road 528. This right-of-way allows for the eventual eight-lane buildout of State Road 528, accommodates the proposed intercity passenger rail between Miami and Orlando and preserves a corridor along State Road 528 for future multimodal use.

The Board will revisit the Northeast Connector Expressway Extension corridor periodically as warranted by changes in the surrounding communities.

In February 2018, CFX began a Concept, Feasibility & Mobility Study of the Northeast Connector Expressway Extension transportation corridor. This study area extends generally from US 192 in Osceola County to the existing State Road 50/State Road 520 intersection in Orange County, a distance of approximately 30 miles. The study area is generally bound on the west by the Econlockhatchee River and on the east by Deer Park/Nova Road/State Road 520. The Northeast Connector Expressway Extension concept study was done well in advance of anticipated growth in eastern Orange and Osceola counties in 2040 and beyond.

Although similarly named, this study is different from the earlier Northeast Connector Expressway Concept, Feasibility and Mobility Study that considered alternative corridors to connect Florida’s Turnpike to a potential Osceola Parkway Extension. In March 2018, the CFX Governing Board decided not to advance the previous concept study to the next phase. The Board will revisit the previously-studied Northeast Connector Expressway corridor periodically as warranted by changes in the surrounding communities.

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Northeast Connector Expressway Extension

The 15-month study included the evaluation and documentation of the physical, natural, social and cultural environment within the corridor and the potential impacts associated with the various mobility alternatives. Transportation demands for the corridor were determined and a range of transportation mobility options and programs were developed to adequately meet the future demands.

The goal of the Northeast Connector Expressway Extension is to enhance north-south regional connectivity and mobility by providing connections between existing and future east-west corridors within the study area including the State Road 408 Eastern Extension, State Road 520, State Road 528 (Martin Andersen Beachline Expressway), and US 192 (E Irlo Bronson Memorial Highway). These connections will enhance regional connectivity, provide greater mobility for the area’s growing population and economy, and provide for the incorporation of future transit options.

Public Input

Public involvement and inter-agency coordination was an integral part of the assessment process, and multiple opportunities for participation were provided. CFX held public meetings in both Orange and Osceola counties in January 2019 as part of this study.

Central Florida Expressway Authority Northeast Connector Expressway Extension Corridor Alignment Alternatives January 2019
Central Florida Expressway Authority Concept Study Schedule February 2018 - April 2019

Property owners near a proposed transportation project often want to know an agency’s process for buying needed private property.

Central Florida Expressway Authority’s Right-of-Way Policy Acquisition.

Additional Concept Studies Information

Phone: 407-802-3210

Central Florida Expressway Authority

4974 ORL Tower Road
Orlando, FL 32807

Phone: (407) 690-5000
Fax: (407) 690-5011

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The Environmental Advisory Group (EAG) is comprised of representatives from environmental organizations, as well as local, state and federal agencies. The input regarding local needs, concerns and environmental impacts being provided by the EAG is crucial in the evaluation of the project corridor.

The study project team typically meets with the EAG up to three times during the study to ensure open communication and provide a forum for issue identification and resolution with governmental agencies and environmental groups.

EAG Public Meeting #2 for the Northeast Connector Expressway Extension Study is on December 20, 2018.

Below are some pictures from the Environmental Advisory Group (EAG) meeting #2 for the Northeast Connector Expressway Extension Study which took place on December 20, 2018.


Thank you to everyone who came out to our two public meetings to learn more about the Northeast Connector Expressway Extension on Tuesday, January 22 at Wedgefield K-8 School and on Thursday, January 24 at Harmony High School.


Meeting Summaries

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